Surely you know that neurons are very important for our brain since they are the main cells of the nervous system, which have the ability to...

To give you an idea of how important neurons are, imagine that these are the ones that send the message to our brain so that we can move and think, that is why we must take care of them.
However, unconsciously we let them die because the lifestyle and habits we lead totally damage them. Now, let's see what habits we carry out daily that damage our neurons.
The function of our body
Neurons have a long life, although they are irreparable. However, like everything in life, they have to die at some point, and they generally die when we get older due to the accumulation of residues and defects that cause them to lose their function and degenerate; but they also die or are damaged by bad habits, such as:
1. Stress
Surely on some occasions you have felt stressed, this happens many times because the problems and adversities of life overcome us, and we believe that they are impossible to solve. That is why we do not sleep well, we eat too much and we get depressed.
In the scientific field, stress has two faces: on the one hand, it is good because it stimulates our brain to react to danger or obvious threats. The other side of stress is the opposite because it is harmful when stress is prolonged and chronic, it undoubtedly kills neurons.
Stress kills neurons, especially in the part of the hippocampus, that is, those of memory and learning. So to avoid this, what we can do is apply relaxation tools that allow us to manage and control our emotions, for example: meditate, and exercise, among other things.
2. Skip breakfast
I know that sometimes it is impossible to sit down to breakfast quietly because the hectic pace of life that we lead prevents us from doing so. However, you will know that breakfast is a habit that we should have for our own good since it is considered the most important meal of the day because the foods that are eaten are the ones that will give us enough energy that we need to be able to carry out our activities. daily activities.
Not eating nutritious foods causes our neurons to be damaged and die because they will lack proteins, vitamins, and nutrients that our brain needs, if you do not eat breakfast or do not eat what your body needs, what you will cause is an obvious brain degeneration.
Think of it this way: the overload of activities during the day requires the strength that food gives us.
3. Smoking or drug use
It is known that many drugs such as affect neurons and kill them, atrophying our brains in a terrible way. Little by little, with their daily consumption, they will rot the brain, damaging memory, learning, and reasoning.
When we think of smoking, the first thing that comes to mind is the damage that our lungs and throat will suffer, without thinking that it will also damage our brain. Some research claims that smoking accelerates the aging process of the brain, causing people to lose the ability to make decisions and solve problems.
The ideal would be to stop that bad habit with the help of a specialist or with products that are sold on the market that help people to quit smoking.
4. Eat a lot of sugar
It is a pleasure to eat sugar, for example, a whole bar of chocolate, a slice of cake, a soft drink, or juice. They are foods that we commonly consume to feel energized and well-rewarded emotionally.
But we must be careful since the sugar level established by the WHO as recommended ranges from 25 to 50 grams per day. However, many of us are unaware that the consumption of sugar in large quantities delays the absorption of other nutrients, interrupting brain activities, and causing neuronal death.
That is why we should have responsible consumption, and know what foods we can consume daily since many of them already have sugar integrated naturally. It would be best to seek guidance from a specialist in the field.
5. Little sleep
According to specialists, adults need to sleep between 7 and 8 hours to avoid getting sick and thus reduce the risk of serious problems such as diabetes or heart problems, it is also vital to reduce stress and improve our mood, it even helps us think with more clarity to perform better at work and in studies.
Lack of sleep undoubtedly damages our neurons by affecting the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory and learning. This is because when we sleep we replenish brain neurotransmitters, otherwise there will be a loss of connectivity with the nervous system.
We can modify these habits that are unconsciously affecting our neurons and focus on taking care of our physical and mental health. Remember to take care of your body by implementing healthy habits such as eating a healthy diet and exercising at least 30 minutes a day.