We know that physical exercise is increasingly important and has increasing health benefits. As such, more and more people are seeking a...

Running is one of many people's favorite activities, especially those who prefer to exercise outdoors. We will discuss the benefits of running in daily life.
Some evidence suggests that regular running can help prevent vision degeneration.
The effects of physical activity, such as weight loss and a more toned body, make us like our bodies more, making exercise more enjoyable.
Contrary to popular belief, running does not negatively impact joints. Long-distance running may protect against joint degeneration. In addition, individuals who regularly engage in high-impact activity have noticeably stronger hip bones.
A 2014 study published in the British Medical Journal showed that spouses of runners may have better health than spouses of non-runners. This is due to the “contagion” one spouse's lifestyle transmits to another.
Although few studies have examined the impact of exercise on the fetus during pregnancy, preliminary studies suggest that physically active women tend to have children with better brain development.
Running also helps improve mental agility, and several studies show that regular exercise helps combat cognitive decline.
Physical exercise, such as running, also helps reduce cancer risk.
So, are there enough good reasons to start running?